協康會【疫境「童」心行】 網上捐款
Heep Hong Society 【Get Through Tough Times With SEN Children】 Online Donation

2019冠狀病毒疫情下,各行各業都受到不同程度的影響,而育有特殊學習需要(SEN)孩子的低收入家庭,除了面對減薪、失業等各種生活衝擊,更要為子女的訓練費用徬徨,擔心他們因錯失訓練黃金期而延誤康復進度。 我們希望您可以在疫境中與SEN學童同行分享愛,透過捐助讓他們持續接受訓練,不錯失訓練黃金期。
The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused serious impact on different aspects of life. The low income families with children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may be one of those who suffer the most. Affected by pay cuts or laid-offs, the parents feel the financial burden of paying for their child’s training, worrying that their child may miss the golden period of training. With your support, these children with SEN will be able to continue to receive training during this critical period.


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一次性捐款 (One-Off Donation)

Donation Receipt
  • 捐款港幣100元或以上可申請稅項減免。
    Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible.

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Heep Hong Society undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and secured. Your personal information (including name, email, mailing address, phone no., etc.) may be used by Heep Hong Society for the purposes of sending organisational updates, fundraising appeals, donation processes, event invitations, surveys and other communication and marketing materials to you via telephone, post and/or electronic mails. If you do not wish to receive any communication from us, please email your full name in both Chinese and English, together with your telephone number and email address to donations@heephong.org. For any enquiries, please contact Corporate Development Department at 3618-6352.