
I would like to donate and support to the 'Children and Youth Training Fund' of Heep Hong Society to support SEN Children, youth and their families to receive support and trainings.

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個人資料 (Personal Information)

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捐款 (Donation)

Donation Receipt
  • 如需要捐款收據,其將會郵寄至提供的通訊地址。
    If donation receipt is needed, it will be mailed to the provided mailing address.
  • 捐款港幣100元或以上可申請稅項減免。
    Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible.

The personal data collected will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used to inform our news, activities, fundraising matters, volunteering recruitment as well as to seek view to improve our services to you. Please click here to read and understand the Personal Information Collection Statement. After completion, please indicate below if you wish to being contacted for these purposes.